Marvin Muncie Jr

I’m a graduate of Ohio State University. I hold a CLU designation as well as CPCU and MDRT. Here at Muncie Insurance, we are a Hall of Fame agency, as well as All Star, Presidents, and Campion qualifier. All that means is we are nationally recognized as one of the best insurance agencies in the country. We teach people how to save money on insurance, sometimes thousands of dollars, and it’s a thrill to see the faces of people’s lives we change.

When I’m not working, I like to travel, workout, fish, hit the beaches, and most recently I’m into frisbee golf. I’ve recently started taking the train out of Wilmington on short hops to different places like Philly or New York. Makes for fun weekends when our beaches are so packed. Regarding volunteer activities, I’m a member of Bayshore Community Church in Rehoboth. I’ve been on two missions to the Dominican Republic with them building a shelter for abused women.