Workers Compensation

Accidents happen all the time. Employees can get severely injured on the job, or even permanently disabled. In this case, they still need the safety of a flow of income because if they’re at work, get hurt, and cannot work, their income comes to a standstill.

How Does It Work?

With this type of insurance, someone who got injured while at work receives financial benefits. In many states, this policy is a requirement.

If a worker gets hurt on the job, the responsibility of the incident falls on the employer, even if they are not directly to blame for the injury itself. Workers’ compensation policies will provide both the business and the employee with relief in these cases.

Some common job hazards are:

  • Toxic exposure injuries.
  • Slip-and-fall, burn, and head injury risks.
  • Machinery injury risks.
  • Commercial vehicle accident hazards.
  • Repetitive motion injuries.

If covered by worker’s compensation policies, employees can get:

  • Income support
  • Medical payments
  • Death benefits (provided to the employee’s survivors if they die on the job)

In most cases, by obtaining workers’ compensation coverage, employees agree not to sue the business for their injury. This means that the business’s liability is lower.